
特殊KU体育项目包括:临时学生KU体育, 合作教育和海外留学.

请查看每个项目的资格和要求. Students who participate in any of these programs are advised to contact their 金融援助 Representative with any questions, 因为这些程序通常需要特殊处理. 此外,可能会延迟收到财政援助资金.


A Concurrent enrolled student is one who is degree seeking 和 taking classes at FAU (Home 学校) AND another eligible institution (Host 学校) in the same semester. Financial aid will be disbursed from FAU based on the student's total combined enrollment (FAU + Host 学校) for the semester.  If you are a concurrent student 和 have questions, please contact Richard Vitale (rvitale1@能力.edu),由学生资助办公室提供.

An Outgoing Consortium enrolled student is one who is degree seeking at FAU (Home 学校) BUT is ONLY taking classes at another institution (Host 学校) AND would like to receive their scheduled FAU 金融援助 Offer(s). 非注册状态必须为零学分.

An Incoming Consortium enrolled student is one who is NOT degree seeking at FAU (Host 学校). 因此, financial aid status 和 information 必须 be addressed to your degree seeking institution (Home 学校).

临时学生批准(请求) & 课程批准)  

两个阶段必须 完成后才能获得在其他地方学习课程的批准. 如果您获得初步同意(第一部分), C), then you 必须 complete Part II 和 await final approval before registering for your course(s). Please note 那 no requests will be processed until the schedule of courses for the term requested is released.

  • 第一部分-临时课程申请
  • 第二部分-瞬态形式的应用



A. 临时课程申请登入  

  1. 访问请求表单 http://transient.能力.edu.
  2. Log in with your FAU Credentials (same FAUNetID 和 password as for MYFAU).

B. 提交新请求 

  1. 点击““创建\审核请求” 在屏幕的左上角.
  2. 从下拉菜单中选择以下信息: 
    • 学校: This is the school you would like to attend as a transient student.
    • 学期: This is the semester in which you would like to be a transient student.
  3. 添加KU体育课程. 要添加课程,请单击“添加课程". 
  4. 输入以下信息:
    • 前缀: Use your mouse 和 click under the 前缀 column 和 enter the prefix of the course you are requesting. 例如选择“ENC1101”,则输入“ENC”作为前缀.
    • 课程数量从上面的例子中,这将是1101.
    • 学分:课程的学时数.
    • 的理由: From the options given, reason you are requesting to take transient work.
    • 评论:你还有什么想说的吗.
  5. 添加完课程后,点击“提交审批".
    • 提交后,如果需要,您可以编辑待处理的请求.
    • 如果您要编辑请求,请务必点击"提交审批“重新提交您的请求.
  6. 要查看待处理和已完成的申请,请按“我的请求 在屏幕的左上角. 中双击学校名称 请求 方框查看 批准 您已完成的请求的状态.


  • 您将收到一封电子邮件 能力的电子邮件 account once you submit your request indicating your request has been submitted 和 is PENDING.
  • 您将收到第二封电子邮件 能力的电子邮件 一旦您的申请完成,您的帐户将被删除. 您需要重新登录 http://transient.能力.edu 查看已完成请求的状态. 
    • 如果你完成了第二部分, you will receive an email indicating if your Transient Form Application is approved.

C. 一旦您的请求完成:

  1. 重新登录到:  http://transient.能力.edu
  2. 单击屏幕顶部菜单上的我的请求.
  3. 中双击学校名称 Request Box to see the details of your 完成 请求(年代).
    • 绿色标记参看第二部分.
    • 红色的X联系KU体育学术顾问,讨论更多的选择 www.能力.edu/successnetwork. 您可以编辑您的请求(点击“编辑的要求”)。. 请确保单击提交审批以重新提交请求.





  1. www.FLVC.org.
  2. 向下滚动,点击“参加一门课程".
  3. 这个页面将带你到临时学生申请. 向下滚动,点击“现在开始或检查KU体育临时学生申请的状态".
  4. 从下拉菜单中选择KU体育“家机构": KU体育官网APP.
  5. 输入您的 ID:大写字母Z的数字.
  6. 输入您的 KU体育生日,MMDDYY格式.
  7. 阅读信息并点击“下一个".
  8. 选择您的 程序: 大学咨询服务.
  9. 输入所有必需的信息.
  10. 输入您的 验证码 从你在第一部分的要求转到 学生评论 盒子.
  11. 点击 标志 然后点击"发送"来完成KU体育临时课程申请.

笔记完成第二部分后, you will receive an email indicating if your Transient Form Application is approved.

If approved by the FAU 金融援助 Office, below are some of the requirements 那 will be needed:

  1. Transient 条款 和 Conditions Form (will be available on Self Service under Student 需求)
  2. 通过网上批准的临时学生表格 www.FLVC.org (请于网站列印网上暂居表格).
  3. 以接收院校的全额收据支付 打印后提交 他们的退课/加课截止日期. (Receipt specifying source of payment is required in some circumstances).
  4. Copy of class schedule printed 后 drop/add deadline of the Host institution.



  • 就读于私立学院或大学
  • 是否就读于外州学院或大学
  • 是研究生吗

If you will be a transient student meeting one of the above criteria, (私人, 在州外, 或研究生), 请与Jolla Molinar联系 jmolinar@能力.edu in the Office of Student 金融援助 for guidance as your process will be different.

Do you need money to purchase textbooks as an Outgoing Consortium student?

如果以联合体学生的身份注册, please download the Outgoing Consortium Short Term Advance Application located on the 形式 to Download webpage (必须 print hard copy) 和 submit to the Office of Student 金融援助. 你最多可以借750美元,外加不退还的手续费5美元.00评估. In addition, you 必须 also establish direct deposit through MYFAU under your Money Matters! 瓷砖.


Cooperative Education is a unique educational program in which 学生 integrate classroom study with period of paid, 有与其专业相关的指导工作经验. 在能力, Cooperative Education is a structured learning situation in which 学生 应用 concepts learned in the classroom to real world work environments.

To learn more about the 合作教育项目 学生 in the College of Engineering should contact the 工程远程教育分部 & 职业服务 at (561) 297-2694 in the Science 和 Engineering Building, Bldg 43, Suite 103. 所有其他学院的学生应联系 大学合作教育 电话:(561)297-3520,在学生服务大楼内 职业发展中心222室.

金融援助 is available to those 学生 who participate in the 合作教育项目 offered at FAU. Availability of financial aid is determined on an individual basis according to the student's cooperative program.


复旦大学有两种攻读学位的出国留学项目:  (1) FAU留学  和  (2)组团留学  . 在考虑参加留学项目时, it is important the student identify what type of program they are considering. 加工要求, 基金的资格, 支付方式将根据项目类型而有所不同. Please contact the Education Abroad office to inquire on which programs are available. You should also set up an appointment with a study abroad financial aid counselor to discuss financial aid opportunities. 请发邮件giveJolla Molinar (jmolinar@能力.edu)预约.

对所有  即将出国留学的学生   KU体育官网APP作为“主办”学校.  (1) FAU is not your degree-seeking school; therefore, any questions regarding your financial aid information 必须 be addressed to your home school. (2) FAU的学费不会延迟give即将到来的海外留学生.  Students are responsible to pay their FAU tuition on or before the FAU fee payment deadline.  If you fail to pay your tuition by the fee deadline, you will be assessed a late fee.  如再逾期不付款,将被取消课程. (3) Incoming study abroad consortium agreement forms will be completed 和 returned to the student’s 家机构 后 the FAU fee payment deadline for all 学生 who have paid their FAU tuition.