

助学金是基于经济需要提供的经济援助. 如果助学金是你经济援助的一部分,FAU将自动接受KU体育申请.


Grants will be prorated based on the student's number of enrolled hours at the end of the drop/add period:

***Effective Fall 2024 for Pell grant proration see Pell Grant Intensity table under the 联邦佩尔助学金计划 section below***

暂定付款日期可在网上查阅 日期及截止日期 在每学期开始的时候. Tuition & fees and housing (excluding parking and library fines) owed to FAU for the current semester will be deducted first. 暑期KU体育对研究生的要求不同,了解更多在 暑期助学金.


FAU Grant

这项资助适用于本科生和研究生 至少有一半时间在FAU注册 有经济需要的人. 资金有限,财政援助的提供是基于优先考虑.  不能保证从一年到下一年的可用性.


The FAU学术成就资助 is a four year need based grant offered to students who entered FAU as a new (non-transfer) degree seeking student on or after the Summer 2019 semester. 才有资格获得这项资助, 你必须被录取为攻读学位的本科生, 攻读第一个学士学位, 有完整的FAFSA档案吗, 证明经济需求. 录取金额取决于学生的学术概况和经济需求. 如果少于全日制,实际支付金额将按比例计算.  每学期至少需要注册6个学分才能支付. 年度更新标准包括完整的学年FAFSA文件,遵守 满足学术进步标准, financial need, and a minimum of 30 earned credits at the end of the academic year for each year that grant payment was received (example: if you have received payment of the offer for the past 2 years, 续借第三年续借, 在第二年末,你必须有60个或以上的学分。.  参加威尔克斯荣誉学院的学生没有资格获得这项资助.


The FAU学术资助 is a four year progressive need based grant offered to students who entered FAU as a new (non-transfer) degree seeking student. 如果符合年度资格和续期要求,补助金将每年增加. 才有资格获得这项资助, 你必须被录取为攻读学位的本科生, 有完整的FAFSA档案吗, 证明经济需求. 录取金额取决于学生的学术概况和经济需求. 如果少于全日制,实际支付金额将按比例计算.  每学期至少需要注册6个学分才能支付. 年度更新标准包括完整的学年FAFSA文件,遵守 满足学术进步标准, financial need, and a minimum of 30 earned credits at the end of the academic year for each year that grant payment was received (example: if you have received payment of the offer for the past 2 years, 续借第三年续借, 在第二年末,你必须有60个或以上的学分。.  参加威尔克斯荣誉学院的学生没有资格获得这项资助.


有资格获得FAU转学补助金, 你必须被录取为寻求学位的本科转学生, have a minimum 2.5 GPA, 是否有一份完整的FAFSA申请文件,最高SAI为12,000, 证明经济需求. 助学金在秋季和春季学期提供,无论入学学期如何. FAU转学奖学金的提供基于学术概况, financial need, 基金的可用性, 并假设全日制入学(12学分及以上). 如果您注册的时间少于全日制,则实际支付金额将按比例计算. 每学期至少需要注册6个学分才能支付. Requirements for subsequent year renewal include have a complete FAFSA application for the award year with a maximum SAI of 12,000, 遵守 满足学术进步标准, 证明经济需要, and a minimum of 20 earned credits in the previous academic year that the grant payment was received. The duration and amount of the award will differ based on whether a student is transferring from a Florida College System institution with an AA or a non-Florida College System institution.

Federal Grants



Effective Fall 2024:  Enrollment intensity is the percentage of full-time enrollment at which a student is enrolled, 四舍五入到最接近的整数百分比. For example, 全日制学时为12学时,学生注册学时为7学时, 入组强度为7 ÷ 12 × 100% = 58.3% (round to 58%).   下表提供了每学时的详细信息.  However, after registering for the term, students eligible for Pell grant are encouraged to use the 财政援助支出估算.


Credit Hours KU体育强度 入学状况
12 (or more) 100% Full-Time
11 92% 四分之三的时间
10 83% 四分之三的时间
9 75% 四分之三的时间
8 67% Half-Time
7 58% Half-Time
6 50% Half-Time
5 42% Less-than-Half-Time
4 33% Less-than-Half-Time
3 25% Less-than-Half-Time
2 17% Less-than-Half-Time
1 8% Less-than-Half-Time


“Year-round Pell”

2022年夏季生效: Students who have previously received two full-time Pell grant disbursements during Fall and Spring, 并满足以下要求, 将有可能有资格获得额外的全日制夏季佩尔助学金(e.g.  100%入学强度(12个或更多学分). 12学分以下学生(入学强度不超过100%), their estimated Pell grant offer will be pro-rated based on enrollment credit hours (see Pell Grant KU体育强度 table).


  • 取得令人满意的学业进展
  • 没有超过寿命限制吗
  • 学生必须注册所有夏季课程(1、2) & 3)在5月的第一个删除/添加截止日期之前.
  • Remaining Pell Grant Eligibility: Students who did not receive 100% of their initial scheduled offer during Fall/Spring; will be able to receive a disbursement from the remainder of their full eligibility, if they are enrolled for one or more credits during Summer (provided they meet all other relevant eligibility criteria).

学生可以获得相当于六年的佩尔助学金. 了解我们如何计算“六年的当量” 佩尔助学金资格计算 website.

这是为寻求第一个学士学位的本科生准备的. The U.S. 教育部决定财政援助提供资格. 申请截止日期为每年的6月30日.

IMPORTANT NOTE: 如果获得PELL资助的学生在退/加截止日期后加了一门课, PELL助学金不会因延迟入学而增加. The student will be offered Pell funds for the number of credits enrolled at the end of the drop/add period of the earliest term that they are enrolled in.

联邦佩尔助学金获得者必须完成他们的 课程入学测验 before their Pell grant can be disbursed; In addition, 佩尔助学金将只支付给学生项目中的课程.

第四章佩尔助学金 & 建筑5000级课程(ONLY)

In general, 除了作为建筑学士学位课程一部分的特定课程, only undergraduate courses (identified as courses below the 5000 level) are eligible for Pell Grant funding.


This is for first baccalaureate degree students enrolled at least half-time who demonstrate exceptional financial need. 资金是有限的,财政援助的提供是基于优先考虑的截止日期.



The FSAG is a state funded program funded need-based offer program for first degree-seeking undergraduate students attending public Florida institutions. 根据资金的可用性,每学年提供200- 2600美元的经济援助. 此补助金仅为一年,并不能保证在以后的年份. 如果符合FSAG要求,有才华的学生有资格获得优先资助. 请将KU体育20名优秀学生的通知信复印件带到财政援助办公室.


  • Be a U.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民;
  • 住在佛罗里达州
  • 一定是佩尔奖学金获得者
  • 证明经济需要SAI -1500 - 9984
  • 注册至少一半时间(6学时)
  • 达到令人满意的学术进步标准
  • 不拖欠联邦学生贷款;
  • Not owe repayment of a grant or scholarship unless satisfactory arrangements have been made to repay.


The Benacquisto奖学金项目 is a merit scholarship for high school graduates who receive recognition as a National Merit® Scholar. Eligible scholars will receive an offer equal to the institutional cost of attendance for an in-state student minus the sum of Bright Futures and the National Merit® offer. 不需要初始申请.

  • Be a U.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民 (由院校决定) 并在一个合格的, 区域认证, 公立或独立的佛罗里达高等教育机构.
  • Enroll full-time (每学期最少12学时) 在学士学位课程中.
  • Earn a standard Florida High School diploma or its equivalency (unless the student completes a home education program or earns a high school diploma from a non-Florida high school while living with a parent who is on military or public service assignment away from Florida).
  • 获得国家优秀学生称号.
  • Enroll at an eligible Florida postsecondary institution during the fall academic term immediately following high school graduation.


  • 续期资格在每学年春季学期结束时确定.


  • 在每学期的常规减课/加课期结束前,所有注册学时的学分.
  • 获得最低累积平均绩点(GPA) 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

没有达到最低3分的学生.0 GPA by the end of the spring semester of the academic year shall be ineligible to continue in the program.


这项提议的资金来自佛罗里达州,并由FAU基金会匹配. 众议院第795号法案于6月2日签署成为法律, 并于7月1日生效, 2006年创建第1009节.佛罗里达法规第701条. 这项法律提供财政支持。, 为本科生提供基于需求的帮助, 在佛罗里达州攻读学位的美国公民.S. 公民或合资格的非公民,以及:

  • 就读佛罗里达州立大学,
  • 每学期至少注册半学时(6学时);
  • 一定是佩尔奖学金获得者
  • 证明经济需要SAI -1500 - 9984
  • 父母没有完成学士学位. 如果学生只与一位提供全额支持的家长住在一起, 父母一方必须没有完成学士学位的学生才有资格, and
  • 符合个别大学规定的其他标准.

请注意,这封信是指满足大学制定的其他标准. 这些标准如下:

  • 提交FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助)
  • Preference will be given to First Time in College (FTIC) freshman and Florida Community College Transfer students for the initial academic year
  • 继续学习的学生,累积GPA不低于2分.如果有额外的资金,5将被考虑.


更新要求: 被认为有资格续期, 学生必须在之前的秋季和春季学期完成至少12个学分. 此外,学生必须有最低的累积GPA 2.500. 例外情况将通过机构上诉程序逐案审查.

Other 授予/奖学金s


这项助学金是提供给符合条件的学生,其父母或监护人死亡的结果美国.S. 在伊拉克或阿富汗服役, 没有资格获得佩尔助学金的学生. 如果KU体育父母或监护人因美国移民而死亡.S. 在伊拉克或阿富汗服役, 2001年,你有资格获得佩尔助学金, 你可能有资格要求加薪. Students must:

  • 完成FAFSA
  • 当父母或监护人去世时,年龄在23岁或以下, or must have been enrolled at an institution of higher education at the time of the parent or guardian's death, 如果超过23岁
  • 满足所有第四章学生资格要求

学生资助指数(SAI)不符合助学金资格的申请人, 有资格获得国际顾问小组课程的录取通知书. IASG提供的金额与该学年的最高佩尔助学金相同, 根据学生的入学状况和出勤费用进行调整. 所有其他联邦学生援助将根据学生计算的EFC提供.


要获得这项奖学金, a Pell-eligible student whose parent or guardian died in the line of duty while serving as a public safety officer is eligible, 获得了阵亡英雄之子奖学金, 获得最高限额的联邦佩尔助学金. The 阵亡英雄子女奖学金 requires KU体育官网APP to determine and document, 与学生合作, that the student was less than 24 years of age or enrolled at an institution of higher education at the time of his or her parent’s or guardian’s death. 要获得这项奖学金, a Pell-eligible student whose parent or guardian died in the line of duty while serving as a public safety officer is eligible, 获得了阵亡英雄之子奖学金, 获得最高限额的联邦佩尔助学金. The 阵亡英雄子女奖学金 requires KU体育官网APP to determine and document, 与学生合作, that the student was less than 24 years of age or enrolled at an institution of higher education at the time of his or her parent’s or guardian’s death. 通过填写FAFSA并回答有关父母因公殉职的问题.  财政援助办公室可以就进一步审查所需的文件提供建议.